Electrolysis for Transgender

Get the look you're meant to have

Beauty is a concept everyone understands, yet it is expressed differently by each individual. Your definition of beauty is based on your personal insight into who you are.

Trans people often seek ways to bring their outward appearance into line with their internal sense of self. Doing so can improve not only your personal satisfaction with your appearance, but also raise the level of confidence with which you interact with others. You may find, as many others have, that permanent hair removal can help you look more like the person you know yourself to be.

Electrolysis is the only hair removal method approved by the FDA to call itself permanent hair removal. It is safe and effective for all types and colors of skin and hair.

Will the electrologist respect my gender?

Yes. Electrologists serve many members of the trans community and understand the importance of using your correct name and pronouns, respecting your privacy and confidentiality, and working to support your goals. We may also be able to refer you to trans-friendly MDs, cosmetologists, estheticians, massage therapists, etc., if you wish.

Can electrolysis remove hair in the genital area?

Yes. However, if you are seeking hair removal as part of pre-surgical preparation, please do let your electrologist know so that we can follow your surgeon’s protocols. It is important to allow sufficient time prior to surgery to complete genital hair removal in order to prevent future ingrown hairs internally.

What does the electrologist need to know?

In general, only what you choose to share. If your plans include hormone therapy or surgeries, please do let your electrologist know. It is important to ensure that your electrolysis treatments occur at the right point in your process.

Ready to say goodbye to your unwanted hair?

Call today to schedule your appointment!